Sunday, September 8, 2013

T.M.Frazier --- The Dark Light of Day -

I was so excited to receive an ARC of " The Dark Light of Day," by T.M.Frazier.  This is her debut book.  There is something extra exciting to be reading a virgin author  ;)
So let me just get to the good stuff.
Ok This book is about a girl named Abby and a man named Jake....
Abby is 17 and her life is not prom dresses and pedicures. She is basically alone. She has a childhood many would not survive and she did. She is  damaged,has issues physically and mentally-- But the wall SHE built for her sanity and for her safety, it gets challenged.... what she built over the years, with just a   look the life SHE believed SHE would live did 180' and
His name is Jake....
Jake a bad guy in all aspects of black and white... He is a killer... literally... and She falls for him so hard. When circumstances occur and Abby gets thrown into the system, the one who is there to rescue her is the last person that should.
I loved this book, I have to warn you it is not hearts and's not  soft and sweet. But it is Dark,hot, sexy,raw and Deep. I laughed in this book , I wanted to throw my kindle across the room, and I held my breath and cried..... I read it in a night. Stayed up till 3:45 a.m. and left the dishes in the sink that night... That is how I knew this book is great!  Read it !  It comes out in November 2013 look for it , pre order it , put it on a wish list... I can not tell you enough ! There are books that gives you butterflies because the sex in it is so hot you squirm and blush, then there are books that gives you butterflies because you can't read fast enough to find out what the fuck just happened???  THIS DOES BOTH!!!!


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